Material 02
I went to Lowes, anywhere is fine.
Buy: 12 pieces of 1"x6"x6'
3 pieces of 2"x4"x8'
Cut: 4 pieces into 8 pieces of the 1"x6"x6' into 1"x6"x3"
3 pieces into 12 pieces of the 2"x4"x8' into 2"4"x2'
(save time, have the shop cut them for you)
Note: They are treated wood.
Total material cost around ~$85
(minus the tires)
On a flat surface (mine wasn't), layout the frame (upside-down)
I used normal 2 inch screws
I was going to use deck screws but they were a pain in the butt and were too long)
No Measuring!!
Since this thing ain't meant to look good, I simply used my 3' piece to center the middle pole
Meh but it works
I used 2 screws for each connection point, they didn't line-up perfectly but that's a given since Lowes did the cutting for me.
- Do the bottom (which is actually the top) sides first, then stack up the second layer (bottom).
I removed the old garden. I forgot to take pictures of digging the holes.
Basically, I dug 12 holes of 1' deep (pro-tip, measure twice, dig once, also wait till the ground is complete thawed)
I used a big hammer and a yardstick leveler, it took a couple of tries to get it to an acceptable level (if a couple of wacking didn't help, I had to take it out and dig some more)
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